Windlas Biotech, Sunrise International Labs, Tuttsan Pharma, Vance & Health Pharmaceuticals, AMR Pharma India, Halewood Laboratories are final six nominees for the coveted Pharma Leaders Innovative Contract Manufacturing Company of the Year 2018 at Pharma Leaders Power Brand Awards

Windlas Biotech, Sunrise International Labs, Tuttsan Pharma, Vance & Health Pharmaceuticals, AMR Pharma India, Halewood Laboratories are final six nominees for the coveted Pharma Leaders Innovative Contract Manufacturing Company of the Year 2018 at Pharma Leaders Power Brand Awards
Pharma Leaders Innovative Contract Manufacturing Company of the Year 2018 Nominees
1. Windlas Biotech Limited.
2. Sunrise International Labs Ltd.
3. Tuttsan Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
4. Vance & Health Pharmaceuticals Pvt Limited.
5. AMR Pharma India Private Limited.
6. Halewood Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
The Indian CRAMS business has benefitted from large domestic branded generics players who outsource manufacturing activities to top players. India has every chance to capitalize the opportunity to become a pharmaceutical superpower by 2020 and a hub for all pharmaceutical manufacturing and research needs. India has a vast pool of trained pharmaceutical scientists, doctors and researchers, which opens up avenues for joint collaborative research for new drug discoveries along with joint intellectual property rights. The low cost of manufacturing renders India as an attractive destination for contract research, and the availability of a large patient pool makes it appealing for clinical trials, which contributes the most, in terms of revenue, to the contract research and manufacturing (CRAM) segment. An increased presence in contract research is also helping some of India’s leading pharmaceutical companies to build expertise and move up the value chain and engage in new drug development. Indian companies today are aggressively improving their manufacturing to be better positioned to take advantage of the upsurge in generics production as patents expire in the next five years.The growth of the outsourcing opportunity is being propelled by the loss of patent protection to the tune of $ 97 billion over 2011-2015; steady erosion in new product launches in relation to research spend and new launches not matching up to the earlier block-busters drugs (or medicines that gross sales of over $ 1 billion).This coupled with the increasing role of generics and pricing pressure played out in the developed nations have forced big pharma players to look for cost-containment measures to protect their bottomline. The strength of the industry is in developing cost effective technologies in the shortest possible time for drug intermediates and bulk activities without compromising on quality. This is realized through the country’s strengths in organic chemicals’ synthesis and process engineering. The industry has also developed excellent GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) compliant facilities for the production of different dosage forms. Indian manufacturers are also incorporating lean manufacturing and Six Sigma principles to help them boost operational efficiency and further improve quality while facilitating compliance.
Many Indian companies maintain high standards in purity, stability and international safety, health and environmental protection in production and supply of bulk drugs. This speaks of the high quality standards maintained by a large number of Indian Pharma companies as these bulk actives are used by the buyer companies in the manufacture of dosage forms which are again subjected to stringent assessment by various regulatory authorities in the importing countries
According to industry estimates, outsourcing of activities such as manufacturing and research work to India leads to cost-arbitrage of more than 50 percent when compared to developed countries. As a fall out of that non-core activities such as manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients, dosage development and packaging have been out-sourced to low cost destinations such as India and China. In the long run, companies which provide integrated drug development, research, clinical trials and manufacturing outsourcing services will prove to be one stop shop for all the needs for innovator pharma companies resulting in long term partnership and better customer franchise
Pharmaleaders Power Brand
Pharma Leaders Awards also known as Pharmaleaders Power Brand recognizes Asia’s top health-care industry leaders, innovators, and companies. This awards-recognition event has been honoring those individuals and/or organizations since 1999 who have a significant impact on the quality of health care and services in our communities. An independent group of judges use a point system to assign values in all different leadership categories. Winners are selected based on the highest total scores from the Pharmaleaders/Network 7 Media Group judges. Pharma Leaders Awards and the judges reserve the right to present multiple or no awards in any category. This distinctive award honors healthcare organizations that demonstrate excellence in overall leadership & management in adopting best practice solutions in Healthcare Innovations! .Pharma Leaders Awards recognize the value of innovation & excellence in healthcare leadership and strives to reward campaigns which have an edge by being unique, instinctive, and authentic. Network 7 Media Group Advisory Board is represented by prominent health care professionals whose respected reputations and knowledge of the industry continually generates prominence for the competition, while expanding the international reach of the Pharma Leaders Awards also known as Pharmaleaders power brands.