The theme of the 2018 Pharma Leaders 2018 Healthcare meet will be “Brand India” where we will be closing looking at the new initiatives of the government to boost healthcare in india & companies disrupting in the healthcare space

More than 35o healthcare leaders will converge in Mumbai india in December to discuss, ideate and deliberate on the complex pressing issues of the pharmaceutical & healthcare industry & possibly will throw lights of the prescriptions of the future.Pharma leaders believe that the Indian healthcare market, which is booming and anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 15% to USD 280 bn by 2020, holds a huge potential. With a burgeoning population and varied consumer preferences, each niche is big enough offer for branded play.While more than 70% of India’s population lives in rural areas with no or limited access to hospitals and clinics, start-ups will be the key to providing healthcare to underserved rural Indians. Entrepreneurs in healthcare space have to focus on multiple aspects like accreditations from international bodies, long lead times, barriers to usage, product differentiation, brand building, and distribution network. Often there are many options and need for agile decisions that make a significant impact on the very survival of businesses. Founders need guidance from industry experts to help make decisions.

Quality care should not be the purview of the elite, or an aspiration for some distant future; it should be the DNA of all health systems. High quality care should not be a privilege for a lucky few.
In India, an estimated 1.6 million deaths per year were due to poor quality care (and a further 838,000 deaths due to insufficient access to care); in China 630,000 deaths per year were due to poor quality care (and 653,000 deaths due to poor access); in Brazil, 153,000 deaths per year were due to poor quality care (and 51,000 due to insufficient access). In Nigeria 123,000 deaths per year were due to poor quality care, and 253,000 due to insufficient access. These are conservative figures after subtracting cases of disease that should have been prevented by strong public health measures. The impact of poor quality care goes well beyond mortality, but can lead to unnecessary suffering, persistent symptoms, loss of function, and a lack of trust in the health system. The vast epidemic of low quality care suggests there is no quick fix, and policy makers must commit to reforming the foundations of health care systems. This includes adopting a clear quality strategy, organizing services to maximize outcomes not access alone, modernizing health worker education, and enlisting the public in demanding better quality care. For too long, the global health discourse has been focused on improving access to care, without sufficient emphasis on high quality care. Providing health services without guaranteeing a minimum level of quality is ineffective, wasteful and unethical
An estimated 5 million deaths per year in low and middle income countries (LMICs) are the result of poor quality care, with a further 3.6 million the result of insufficient access to care